A study suggests that the Arctic "may beessentially ice-free during summer within 15 years."
The study used statistical models to predict thefuture amount of Arctic ice, which suggested that theArctic could be ice-free in the summer during thedecade of the 2030s – most likely in the year 2034.
该研究利用统计模型预 测了北极冰层的未来数量,表明在21世纪30年代的十年里,极有可能是在2034年,北极可能会在夏季无冰。
Sea ice is frozen ocean water that melts eachsummer, then refreezes each winter. The amount of summer sea ice in the Arctic has beensteadily shrinking over the past few decades because of global warming. It reached its second-smallest level on record in 2019, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)said.
Sea ice affects Arctic communities and wildlife such as polar bears and walruses, and it helpsregulate the planet's temperature by influencing the circulation of the atmosphere andocean.
"The extent of Arctic ice is important to Arctic peoples, whose lands are being affected byincreased coastal erosion," NOAA said in a statement. "Conversely, the disappearance of icecreates economic opportunities, including the opening of oil fields and new shipping routes."
It also affects global weather patterns.
The study was conducted by scientists at NOAA, the University of Washington, and the NorthCarolina Institute for Climate Studies.
What scientists refer to as the first "ice-free" Arctic summer year will occur when the Arctic hasless than 1 million square kilometers of sea ice. The thick ice sheets surrounding Canada's Arcticislands are likely to remain for much longer, even in summer.
As the climate changes, the Arctic is warming more than twice as fast as the rest of the planet.Arctic air temperatures were about 3.4 degrees above average in 2019, and were the second-warmest since records began in 1900.
Scientists also said the results of the study indicate that there is room for improvement insea-ice models – and that the ice may disappear even more quickly than current modelssuggest.
"Climate models may be collectively underestimating the rate of change,” the authors write inthe study.
The study was published in the journal Climate.
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